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Comprehensive Dividend Information

Salesforce's Dividend Profile

Comprehensive Dividend Information

The Dividend History page offers a centralized view of Salesforce's dividend history, providing valuable insights into the company's dividend practices. Here, you can access real-time data and review important dates and figures related to Salesforce's dividend payments.

Recent Dividend Declaration

As of May 29 at 4:00 PM EDT, Salesforce's Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of WEB -5660 -2084. This dividend represents the company's continuing commitment to returning value to its shareholders.

Dividend Yield and Ex-Dividend Date

Salesforce has an annual dividend of 1.60 per share, resulting in a forward yield of 0.59%. Additionally, the company's current dividend yield as of May 24, 2024 is 0.15%. Keep in mind that the ex-dividend date, which determines shareholder eligibility for the dividend, is typically a few days before the record date.

Industry and Company Classification

Salesforce operates within the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) sector and is categorized as a NYSE-listed company. This information provides context for understanding Salesforce's dividend policies in relation to its industry peers and the broader market.
